HDSP School

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Welcome to H.D. Sehrawat Public School
School ID 1617236

H.D. Sehrawat Public School ensures that the proud H.D. Sehrawat Public Schoolians grow up with acute consciousness of their surrounding, that they learn to value sustained commitments.

Active Learning

Every effort is made in our school to give good and better education to the our students.

Expert Teachers

We only appoint our highly qualified teachers in our school so that our students get good education

Parents Meeting

We are always in touch with the parents of our students and also discuss about the child from time to time on the day of the meeting.

Culture Activities

Culture Activites are also been organized so that our children will get different activities knowlodge like dance fashion show, etc.

Principal’s Message

Dear Parent’s/ Guardian,
Education is necessary for all it is our main aim. It is the dire need of the time and the modern age that we keep pace and do not lose ourselves in the present day global scenario we must ensure that the child retains his/her identity.
This can never possible without parent’s co-operation. Our goal is the development of a child’s sound personality, Discipline, Character, Self confidence to shoulder challenges, alertness, and independent thought. And a sense of decisiveness and some important use try our best to inculcate as part of the personality.
We are unshakably convinced that your child is destined to become a good and upright human with the outside negative influence of the cable T.V. and the internet. It becomes all the more important that as a vigilant parent you support encourage and monitor the child’s activities to develop qualities clustered around the personal, social moral, national and spiritual values that would a person human and socially effective.

Founder Vision

Seeing the plight of the downtrodden the founder thought to uplift them, but How? After a long and deep culmination, an idea struck his mind to establish an educational institute through which he could improve their social, and economic condition. His philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child.
In the 21st century, the digital revolution affects us all. Quite simply, it is changing everything. In such a surrounding when work and effort is valued, the child’s self-esteem is heightened and from this result self motivation. We should try to understand and work with each child and we firmly believe that it is our responsibility to enable the child in our care to develop as a whole.
Our foundations are firm, yet we must continue striving and persevering to achieve the goals. If innovation and novel ideas are a key to bright future then we can surely remain assured of our place under pedagogic sun forward a distinctive blend of offering in the areas of knowledge and enterprise in the form of encouraging students for debates, elocution, and quiz contest as well as organizing and taking part in various cultural events.
The cooperation and interest of past and present parents have helped us to achieve what we have today.


Hardayal Sehrawat

Our Mission

Dear Parent, Guardian
Our main aim to provide quality education.

Our earnest endeavor always will be to help the students to develop and expand and understanding of the process of change and development both in terms of time and space. In the present context of globalization, the school has a definite a very positive and construction role to play in moulding the students.
We have to be prepared to pay more attention to inculcate in the students a scientific temper and outlook by promoting the spirit of curiosity and enquiry and toeing a rational and objective approach.
Our school is adequately equipped with all the facilities to face the challenges of the new age where we ensure that our students inculcate good and appreciable moral and social values, regard for goodness, fairness justice, truth, sympathy and compassion, code of ethics for life, for work and every day dealings with others. We ensure that our students definitely get an opportunity to face the challenges of life by active participation in competitions at different levels in their school life we provide training to our students to maintain emotional as well as mental equilibrium and be fully prepared to camp at any eventuality without a shade of fear.

Through our school diary you to know the day to day progress of your ward as he/she in under constant water.
Therefore, it is very important for you to look into your child’s diary daily note the teacher’s remarks and take necessary steps where ever necessary. We look forward to your co-operation.


Ravinder Sehrawat


English, Hindi, Social Studies, Mathematics, Sanskrit, G.K., Moral Science, Yoga, Computer and extra activities. Music and Dancing are popular in the school. Picnicle excursion and environmental studies are integral part of the curriculum.


The N.C.S. is open to all, irrespective of community, caste, creed or gender. In additional to imparting education of a high quality in academics, special emphasis is laid on character building, national integration inculcation of patriotic spirit and creation of a secular outlook. N.C.S. Also aims to promote equality and social values such as India’s common cultural heritage, democracy, secularism, protection of the environment, removal of social barriers etc. The school seeks to develop the talents of the child to the full by following modern pedagogic methods.


For admission (in nursery) the candidate must be 3+at the time of admission. Admission in other classes, it depend on vacancies and will be based on admission test. A municipal birth certificate for a first admission or a transfer certificate from a school already attended and 2 passport size photographs of candidate must be attached with the admission form. We also provide facilities to admit child of EWS/catagory. A vacancy of EWS will be seen on Notice Board and Income certificate is mandatory. Anyone can get facilities by fulfilling conditions. Admission for EWS candidates at entry level (Nursery), also available.


For admission (in nursery) the candidate must be 3+at the time of admission. Admission in other classes, it depend on vacancies and will be based on admission test. A municipal birth certificate for a first admission or a transfer certificate from a school already attended and 2 passport size photographs of candidate must be attached with the admission form.